Wednesday, June 21, 2006

3 years ago, just prior to my wedding, I embarked from my midwestern state on a crazy 3-day journey to the last four states I had yet to see: West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Rhode Island. Alone, I cruised toward the ocean because I had to see the last four states before I married ( because who knew when I'd get to see my last four states otherwise?)

I had a deja vu trip this last weekend as my hubby and I set out East to retriever brother-in-law from Ft. Lee, VA. The trip went something like this:

Saturday, 11 pm I arrive home from South Dakota. 12 hours later...
Sunday, 11:30 am We hop in the car and drive, drive, drive.
  • We follow Route 52 through Ohio and stop at Ulysses Grant's Birthplace.
  • I am happy to see my husband, after being seperated from him for 5 days. The gorgeous scenery increases this happiness.
  • My blood sugars are not happy to be in the car. I can't make them come down, and suspect that the 2-hour difference between SD and the East doesn't help matters. Nor does an erratic eating schedule and Walmart's Cajun Trail Mix (the sesame sticks, the toffee peanuts...yum!)

Monday, 9 am We leave Lexington, VA and continue our trek east...

  • Off to a late start. Not a happy camper. Pretty scenery does not help.
  • At some point, I tell Handsome Hubby that I'm having a bad wife day and I want a vacation. It's true, but I'm not proud of it.
  • Stop at Appomatox and thoroughly enjoy the living history talk. Especially the way a Canadian-like accent creeps out of our "Virginian" friend.
  • Reach Ft. Lee for Family Day at 4 pm (when it officially begins). Bro-in-law sprung at 7. Back at 8:30. I will say no more.
  • I realize that I can increase my basal rate for long car rides using that handy percentage thing. Feel brilliant. Increase it by 10% only to realize that...umm, I reduced it by 10%.

Tuesday, 8 am Head to Ft. Lee to see bro-in-law graduate from advanced.

  • Graduation at 9 am.
  • Go to the Quartermaster's Museum while bro-in-law fills out paper work. He fills it out. Has more. Has to find somebody. Has "just one more thing to do." We stop by the PX because he has a "quick errand that won't take too long" (I think the army warps one's sense of time...).
  • 2:30 pm finally, finally, finally hit the road for a day's drive.
  • Bad wife day, part II. I decide that the seeds for the fruits of the spirit have fallen on rocky soil. Deciding this does not help me behave better.
  • Stop 8 million times at rest areas. May I say, as the only woman on the trip, that I did not request a stop once?????
  • 1:30 am, bro-in-law driving. Backs up an exit ramp because there's a long line of traffic going nowhere. Highpoint of the trip.
  • 2:30 am. Back home. After 7 days away I am ready.
  • Discover that when one increases basal rate by 10 percent, blood sugars are actually pretty good. This is counting the Trail Mix. And the cookies.

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