Friday, May 11, 2007


Freshly gussied up after my work out, I proudly show up at the Bureau of Motor Vehicles on day before by license is set to expire.

I am ahead of the game. And I am going to look damn good for my photo.

I get right in and give the lady my license and proof of address. I revel in my good fortune.

I take my eye exam and do just fine.

She tells me I have to take a driver's test--but just the written.

My stomach falls a bit. But it's just the written, right?

But wait--

She is writing something on a piece of paper. She slides it toward me.

"You need to call this number to get reinstated. Your license has been suspended."

"But why? Nobody told me!"

"Do you have any unpaid traffic violations? Speeding tickets?"

"I haven't had a speeding ticket in years. My parking tickets are paid up."

"Call the number and they'll tell you why and what you have to do."

So I call.

"Ma'am--we never received proof of insurance for a traffic accident that you had...June 22."

"I sent everything in right away."

"We never received it. You'll need to go to to your insurance company and get proof. Send it to the reinstatement office."

So I do, stunned that I have been driving illegally for almost a year, and that I had never heard from the BMV or the insurance company. Thankful that I had not been caught. Laughing at the incredulity that it is by trying to stay legal that I have discovered that I have been illegal.

But there is more to come.

After I visit the insurance office, I call the reinstatement office to see if I can take care of the paper work locally.

"No, ma'am. You can mail it in to the Indy office, where it will take 72 hours to process. Or, you are welcome to drive down and do it in person."


Bernard said...

I hate this kind of stuff. Instead of writing to you after this happened and saying we need such and such, they simply wait until later and then inform you that they never got it.

Isn't it amazing how awful some places are at any level of customer service. And to add insult to injury, your tax dollars are paying their wages.

I hope it all gets fixed up for you quickly.

Scott K. Johnson said...

"You're welcome to drive down and do it in person."!?


IDFSteph said...

Oh, life is too funny sometimes, isn't it? I bet you weren't laughing that day though.

Well, hopefully things are a little less hectic these days for you. You should also get back to your blogging when you have the time. Because you blog about living with diabetes, I thought you might take a minute to help the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) out when you have the chance.

Here's how and why...
We are in the midst of our preparations for the first UN-observed World Diabetes Day ( on 14 November this year, and I wanted to ask you if you would like to help us to spread awareness of this worldwide event and the theme we have chosen for it this year - Diabetes in Children and Adolescents.

It is estimated that over 200 children develop type 1 diabetes every day and there's no question that the disease often hits disadvantaged communities the hardest, and that children in the developing world can die because their parents are unable to afford medication. In many countries diabetes is still considered an adult disease and as a result can be diagnosed late with severe consequences, including death. Even after diagnosis many children experience poor control and develop complications early.

This is why one of our key objectives for World Diabetes Day this year is to double the number of children covered by the Life for a Child Program - We also want to encourage initiatives that can help to reduce diabetic ketoacidosis (diabetic coma) and to promote the sort of healthy lifestyles which can prevent the onset of type 2 diabetes in children.

A version of the diabetes circle, the icon we used for our Unite for Diabetes campaign has now been adopted for World Diabetes Day and we have produced a number of web banners that you can view and download here

The way in which you can help us spread awareness of World Diabetes Day is to add one of the banners to your own blog, which we would really appreciate.

The UN's World Diabetes Day Resolution (61/225) was really just the first goal of an ambitious campaign that we have been leading. This is the first time a non-communicable disease has been recognised as a serious threat to global public health and we are hoping now to further raise awareness globally of the disease that is predicted to contribute to 6% of the world’s mortality in 2007.

If you would like to know more about the UN Resolution and our plans for World Diabetes Day this year, just drop me a line at and I will get back to you with more information.

Many thanks,
Stephanie Tanner
IDF - Communications Assistant

Unknown said...

Dear Nic,

I ran across your website today while searching for diabetes sites on Google. Your site is full of really great info. Its a shame you have kinda stopped blogging.

I am writing to you because I have an idea for an article for your blog and I would like to help you rank a little higher in the search engines while at the same time benefiting my site.

As I’m sure you know, reciprocal links have very little value these days - getting ahead on the search engines relies on two factors... 1. lots of well-crafted unique content on your site (with relevant keywords) 2. one way links to your site. Since our sites are related to each other (both health based) I have a very powerful mutually beneficial offer.

I have a professional writer on staff and I am willing to supply you with "unique" content for your website in the form of a 500 word high quality article, written for readability but also effective SEO power, on the topic of diabetes (which is affecting millions of people). It will be well written, interesting to read and of course, it will be search engine friendly.
This high quality article will help you in your search engine rankings, and will NEVER be published on another website.

I am offering you unique high-quality content for your website and in return for this free article, I would want the links within the article to remain intact. I will put 1 link into the article(which will point to one of my web pages). I will send you the file as a .html so all you have to do is upload it.

I manage a site called "Acai Berry Info" which helps people learn everything they need to know about the acai berry and diabetes. I am more than happy to provide you with multiple articles on various health topics if you would like more content.

If you are interested in getting free exclusive content for your site, just let me know and we will go to work writing one or more articles exclusively for you.

I have attached an article that demonstrates the quality of work I can provide for you and your readers. Have a look and let me know what you think; I expect you will find it an useful and informative read, as will your audience. Should you enjoy it as much as I expect, give me the word and I will prepare a completely unique story for you.

I seriously do love your site and I hope this sounds like something that will help both of us.

Best Regards,
Emma Atkins

-It’s been labeled the miracle fruit…

The Facts beyond the Hype - Acai and Diabetes

Anywhere you look now, be it online or in magazines, on TV talk shows or by the water cooler, the word ACAI seems to be the subject of conversation. It is labeled the ultimate weight loss fruit, and a cure-all for all sort of diseases. But is it?

Acai (pronounced a SHA-ee) is a small, very delicate berry plucked from the palm trees that grow along the Amazon River. Because it rots quickly, acai could only be enjoyed within 24 hours of picking; that is until modern science recently discovered a way to freeze dry it into a powder and ship it worldwide. With that came the temptations of mass marketing’s supply and demand. Therefore, a good many acai product manufacturers cut the powder with fillers such as flour and sugar - ingredients not friendly to the diabetic diet. If a diabetic, after checking with his dietician or physician decides to take acai as a supplement or a fruit juice, make sure the product is guaranteed to be 100% pure from the Amazon and freeze dried within 24 hours of picking. If this cannot be verified, do not buy it.

The fruit is highly rich in antioxidants, in fact measurably higher than any other dark fruit. Antioxidants help promote cell growth and boost the immune system. One side effect of diabetes can be more rapid cell deterioration. So, supplementing acai could prove beneficial in combating this.

Acai contains Omega 3, 6, and 9, essential fatty acids needed for healthy muscle tone, including those in the heart. Heart disease is another concern for the diabetic. It is naturally high in fiber which promotes good digestion and there is increasing evidence that the berry can help reduce cholesterol. Acai is high in vitamins B6, B12 and E, and minerals - all essential for healthy diabetic diets.

Acai rates very low on the glycemic index, meaning that the carbohydrates in the fruit break down slowly and do not cause a spike in the blood sugar. This helps to regulate the amount of blood sugar entering your system, aids in stabilizing your metabolism and promote a healthy weight loss by keeping you feeling full longer. For a diabetic who must monitor their glucose rates and lose weight, this is good news.

Can this wonder fruit cure diabetes? That would be a very hard claim to prove. What acai added to the diet as a daily supplement can do is help regulate blood sugar, maintain cholesterol, provide fiber, stabilize the metabolism for healthy weight loss and give the immune system a good boost. That is beneficial to any diet, diabetic or otherwise.

So ignore the outrageous hard sell and take this article to your medical professional. Together you can decide if adding 100% pure acai juice or powder to your diet is appropriate.

For me it has been. I have lost over 20 pounds the healthy way, have more energy, better muscle tone and do not feel hungry all the time. I also do not have sugar highs and lows and get less colds and flu symptoms. And I would love to hear your testimony and also help to answer any questions you or your medical professional have. You can reach me at my website: for the real truth about acai, not the hype.

Anonymous said...

Bwa haa haa that is a classic bit of Government Hypocrisy right there!
